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Love and trust, return to the Garden of Eden

愛與信任重返伊甸園 Love and trust, return to the Garden of Eden 在Apple Banana的信息中,何謂Apple? 就是神的愛,讓我們活在愛與信任中! Verse: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24 1. 重返伊甸園盼望 (v.2:15-17,3:1-20) Hope of returning to the Garden of Eden 2. 永恆無條件的愛 (v.21-23) Everlasting and unconditional love 3. 信靠神愛的安排 (v.24) Trust God’s loving plan

Great husband embraces his wife

擁抱妻子真丈夫 Great husband embraces his wife 經文:創世記 Genesis 2:24-25 大綱: 一、委身妻子的節奏(v24) Devote to the wife’s pace 二、主動敞開不遮掩(v25a) Willing to open up without hiding 三、放下羞恥得幫助(v25b) Lay down shame to receive help  

More love, more faith, more glory!

有愛、有信、有榮耀! More love, more faith, more glory! Verse: John 11:1-6, 17, 21, 39-40, 43-44 一. 神愛的人,雖有艱難患難⋯ (v.1-6) Those God loves though encounter difficulties and hardships … 二. 愛神的人,雖有埋怨失望 ⋯ (v.17,21) Those who love God though grumble with disappointment … 三. 信神的人,必看見神的榮耀 (v.39-40,43-44) Those who believe in God shall see God’s glory

More Love, More Trust

Verse: Genesis 15:1-6, 22:12-13; John 3:16 1. Love births trust (Gen 12-14) 2. The greatest love births the greatest trust (Gen 15-17,22)

More Love, More Trust

有愛 有信任 More Love, More Trust Verse: Ruth 1 一. 無論多麼艱難仍然愛 v.1-13 Still love no matter how difficult it is 二. 無論多麼艱難仍然信任 v.14-18 Still trust no matter how difficult it is 三. 有愛有信任 同享生命恩 v.19-22 More love and more trust, sharing the grace of life