With love and trust, follow to the end
愛與信任 跟從到底 With love and trust, follow to the end 經文:約翰福音John 21章 一. 愛的經歷 提升生命 v.1-14 Experience of love, life raised up 1. 主動的愛 驅走黑暗 v.1-3 A proactive love casts out darkness 2. 量身的愛 吸引走近 v.4-14 A tailor-made love draws one close 二. 愛的呼召 一生跟從 v.15-23 Calling of love, follow with whole life 1. 接納的愛 委身信任 v.15-19 An accepting love brings commitment and trust 2. 放下一切 專一跟神 v.20-23 Lay down everything to follow God wholeheartedly