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Do not be greedy

A. Oh! What is greed? Wow! This is great! I like it!( Genesis 2:9) Put your heart there (1 Timothy 6:9) Want to possess more and more( Luke 12:15;) B. Ouch! Beware of greed! Lust of the flesh( Genesis 3:6A) Lust of the eyes (Genesis 3:6B) Pride of life( Genesis 3:6C, 3:5) C. Come! Overcome greed! Content with everything (Hebrews 13:5) Desire good works ( 1 Timothy 3:1)

Do Not Be Proud

Verse: Lev 26︰19; Jer 13:9; Amo 6:8 A. Fleshly pride has no way out Pride makes the sky like iron, and the soil like brass(Leviticus 26:19) God will mar the prideful(Jeremiah 13:9) God detests the one who holds his pride(Amos 6:8) B、Turn from pride so that God may show grace(James 4:6;Leviticus 26:19, 41-42, 44) C、Be proud of God to receive honor and joy( Micah 5:4; Isaiah 60:15)

Do Not Judge but Pray

Verse: Matthew 7:1-12 1. Judging is very bad A. Judgementalism begins v.1-2 B. It is hypocrisy v.3-5 C. It is foolish and ignorant v.6 2. Praying is really good A. God will answer v.7-11 B. Man will show favour v.12

Do Not be Self-Righteous

Verse: Luke 18:9-14 1. The repulsive self-righteousness syndrome A. I have done right by You! (v.9-11) B. I am better! (v.11) C. I did well! (v.12) 2. Prescription of God’s justification A. Know sin and seek grace (v.13) B. Humble down and receive grace (v.14)

Turn Judgement into Blessing

Verse: John 8:1-16 1. Pharisees Judge People v.3-6 a. Judge this woman has no future  v.3-5 b. Judge the law of Moses has no flexibility v.5 c. Judge Jesus as a Deceiver 2. Jesus Judges Not v.6-11 a. Believe that the grace of Trinity is present  v.6-8 b. Believe that the crowd can be convicted v.7-9 c. Believe that the woman can be changed v.10-11 3. Light comes to the world to bring blessings v.12-16 a. Light leads man away from darkness v.12 b. Light exposes darkness but judges not v.15-16

Spiritual Life before Spiritual Gifts

Verse: Jonah 1:9-10, 3:4 ; 10, 4:1-3 1. Do not follow the way of Jonah a. Disobey God, but consider himself fears God Jonah 1:9-10 b. Envy man, but consider himself represents God Jonah 3:4, 10, 4:1 c. Judge God, but consider himself understands God Jonah 4:1-3 2. Follow Jesus’ Life-ministry a. Submit to God; obey Father’s will always Jonah 5:19, 14:31 b. Connect with God; reveal the Heavenly Father Jonah 1:18; Colossians 1:15 3. Thank God; believe the good will of the Heavenly Father John 11:25-27

Do Not Rebel

Verse: 1 Samuel 15 1. Selective obedience is disobedience, same as rebellion v.1-9 2. The rebellious is rejected by God v.10-23 a. Disobedience deceives v.10-15 b. Disobedience resists discipline v.16-21 c. Rebellion is rejecting God v.22-23,26 d. Rebellion attracts evil spirits 1 Samuel 16:14-15,23 e. The rebellious runs to death 1 Samuel 31:3-6; Numbers 14:34-35,16:31-33 3. Trust and obey to overcome rebellion v.24-35 a. Don’t hold onto men v.24-30, 1 Samuel 13:11-12 b. Repent and hold onto God v.28-29,35; 1 Samuel 13:14; Psalms 51:11-12

Do Not Judge (1)

Verse: James 4:11-17 1. Do not speak against others, but have kindness v.11 John 8:1-11, Matthew 22:37-40 a. Judging people is same as judging the Word of God v.11 Matthew 22:37-40 b. Judging the Word of God is trampling on the Word of God 2. Do not take God’s seat, but humble ourselves v.12 Genesis 16:5, 18:25 ; 1 Samuel 2:25 a. There is only one Judge v.12 b. Who are you? 3. Do not depend on ourselves, but trust God’s grace v.13-17 a. Anyone who boasts is an evil man v.13-16 b. Anyone who knows to do good but doesn’t is a sinner v.17

Shall Not Envy (2)

Verse: Numbers 12:1-16 1. Jealousy manifested through slander (v.1-2) a. Legalistic mind (v.1) b. Strong ego (v.2) 2. A leader’s jealosy is fatal (v.4-16) a. God’s anger burns against you (v.4-9) b. Become leprous (v.10-12) c. God will put you to shame (v.13-14) d. Delay the whole camp (v.15-16) e. Not used by God anymore (Numbers 20:1) 3. Humble yourself and overcome jealousy (v.1-3)  

Shall Not Envy (1)

1. Know the dread of jealousy a. Self-destruction (Job 5:2, Proverbs 14:30) b. Cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21) c. Produce evil works (James 3:16) 2. Recognize the true colors of Jealousy a. From zeal to Jealousy (Isaiah 9:7, Genesis 30:1) b. Heat and boil (Corinthians 7:7, Acts 5:17-18) c. Ill-willed detraction (Romans 1:29) 3. Guard against the entry points of jealousy a. Wealth and interest (Ecclesiastes 4:4) b. Siblings  (Genesis 30:1, Genesis 37:11, Isaiah 11:13, Genesis 4:4-5) c. Gifts, Anointing and Status (Numbers 11:29, Psalms 106:16, Matthew 27:18, 1 Samuel 18:9) d. Greed (Psalms 37:1, Proverbs 3:31, […]

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