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Everything begins with the Holy Spirit

一切從聖靈開始 Everything begins with the Holy Spirit 譚淑儀牧師 徒2章 Acts 2 ㄧ、有聖靈,有聖經:神賜話語(2:14-36) The Spirit brings scripture: God gives the Word 二、有聖靈,有聖潔:扎心悔改(2:37-41) The Spirit brings sanctification: heartfelt repentance 三、有聖靈,有聖工:effortless群體(2:42-47) The Spirit brings service: an effortless community

Love and trust, return to the Garden of Eden

愛與信任重返伊甸園 Love and trust, return to the Garden of Eden 在Apple Banana的信息中,何謂Apple? 就是神的愛,讓我們活在愛與信任中! Verse: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24 1. 重返伊甸園盼望 (v.2:15-17,3:1-20) Hope of returning to the Garden of Eden 2. 永恆無條件的愛 (v.21-23) Everlasting and unconditional love 3. 信靠神愛的安排 (v.24) Trust God’s loving plan

Great husband embraces his wife

擁抱妻子真丈夫 Great husband embraces his wife 經文:創世記 Genesis 2:24-25 大綱: 一、委身妻子的節奏(v24) Devote to the wife’s pace 二、主動敞開不遮掩(v25a) Willing to open up without hiding 三、放下羞恥得幫助(v25b) Lay down shame to receive help  

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