
Verse: Exodus 34: 5-10

1. Yahweh, Yahweh, A Name of Glory Exodus 34: 5-10
a. Twice Repeated, A Desirable Name Exodus 34: 6
b. Goodness is the Glory of His Name Exodus 33:17-19

2. “I am who I am” : A Name of Wonder Exodus 3:15
a. Only Yahweh can Self-Proclaim “I am”
b. Because God is “I am”, We can become “I am”

3. Yahweh is my Name Forever Exodus 3:14-15
a. “ I am who I was” Heals your Past Exodus 3:15; Matthew 1:17
b. “ I am who I am” Shapes your Presence Isaiah 64:8
c. “I am who I shall be” Creates your Future Exodus 34:10