
Verse: Genesis 3:6-13

1. Fear is the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen 3:6-12)
a. Afraid of God
b. Fear blindly (Pro 28:1, 29:25)

2. Fearful men cannot succeed (Pro 29:25, Jos 1:9)
a. Hide and withdraw, unable to work (Gen 3:8-10)
b. Deny and blame-shift, not about me (Gen 3:11-13)
c. Paralyzed and frozen, afraid to move (1Sa 17:10-11)
d. Comparison and jealousy, doing every evil (Isa 14:12-15; Gen 2:7,4:3-8; 1Sa 18:6-12; Luk 15:28-30)
e. Passive aggressive, complications crop up (2Ch 19:3-4)
f. Heart-broken and despair, give up all (Gen21:14-16)

3. Trust God to take away all fears
a. God gave us the Savior (1Jn 4:9)
b. God gave us the Holy Spirit (1Jn 4:13; Rom8:15; 2Ti 1:7)
c. There is no fear in love (1Jn 4:17-18)


經文:創世記 3:6-13

一、懼怕是分辨善惡樹的果子 (創3:6-12)
1. 對神害怕
2. 盲目害怕 (箴28:1, 29:25)

二、懼怕的人不能成事 (箴29:25; 書1:9)
1. 躲藏退縮,不能做事 (創3:8-10)
2. 否認推卸,不關我事 (創3:11-13)
3. 癱瘓不動,不敢做事 (撒上17:10-11)
4. 比較嫉妒,只做壞事 (賽14:12-15; 創2:7, 4:3-8; 撒上18:6-12; 路15:28-30)
5. 消極攻擊,節外生事 (王下19:3-4)
6. 傷心絕望,放棄每件事 (創21:14-16)

1. 神賜救主 (約壹4:9)
2. 神賜聖靈 (約壹4:13; 羅8:15; 提後1:7)
3. 愛裏沒懼怕 (約壹4:17-18)