
Verse: Mark 16:9-20

1. Receive Resurrection (v.9)

2. Receive Faith (v.10-14)
a. Get out of Mourning and Weeping, Rejoice Greatly (v.10-11; Matt 28:8)
b. Get rid of Downcast and Ignorance, Hearts Ignited (v.12; Luke 24:13-35)
c. Get rid of Fear and Stubbornness, Always Believe (v.13-14; John 20:19)

3. Manifest Mighty Power (v.15-20)
a. Preach to the World, Miracles Follow
b. Offer Entirely, Walk with the Lord


We are all Witnesses of Resurrection
經文:馬可福音 16:9-20

一、領受復活 (v.9)

二、領受信心 (v.10-14)
1. 走出哀慟哭泣,大大歡喜 (v.10-11; 太28:8)
2. 除去愁容無知,心裡火熱 (v.12; 路24:13-35)
3. 除去懼怕剛硬,總要相信 (v.13-14; John 20:19)

三、彰顯大能 (v.15-20)
1. 普世宣教 神蹟相隨
2. 全人擺上 與主同行