
Verse: Proverbs 22:22-23:11

A. Do not obtain wealth illegally (22:22-28)
1. Do not exploit the poor (v.22-23)
2. Do not associate with hotheads (v.24-25)
3. Do not make pledges for yourself or others (v.26-27)
4. Do not seize land (v.28)

B. Do not covet wealth (23:1-8)
1. Do not crave benefits from authority (v.1-3)
2. Do not wear yourself out to get rich, eyeing on money (v.4-5)
3. Do not desire quick money (v.6-8)

C. Do not allow for a chance to obtain illegal wealth (23:9)

D. Do not allow for a chance to covet wealth (23:10-11)

E. Serve diligently before kings, not for wealth (22:29)


1. Don’t wear yourself out for money, but accomplish the will of God (authority).
2. Tithe to God, live within your means for the rest.
3. Husband and wife unite, including financially, keeping a joint account together to manage all.
4. Say no to “poor parents with rich kids”, maintaining financial transparency.
5. Match your lifestyle with blessings, walking out the “new wine flowing” principles.