
Let us keep the Day of Atonement together!

Co-worker Lemuel
Co-worker Boza
Leviticus 23:27-32

1. Let go of everything and come before God (v.30-32)

2. Have a holy convocation for sin offering (v.27-28)

3. Depress our souls and offer burnt offering (v.29)

Let us keep the Day of Atonement together!

黃德隆同工 Co-worker Lemuel
孫漢威同工 Co-worker Boza
利未記 Leviticus 23:27-32

一、放下一切面見神 v30-32
1. Let go of everything and come before God v30-32

2. Have a holy convocation for sin offering v27-28

三、刻苦己心獻火祭 v29
3. Depress our souls and offer burnt offering