
Verse: Psalms 51:7-19

1. Deeply Repent (v.7-12)

a. Delivered from all sins (v.7-9)
(1) Change from uncleanness to cleanness (purity) (v.7)
(2) Change from brokenness to joy (v.8)
(3) Change from iniquities to nearness to God (v.9)

b. Changed from the bottom of our hearts (v.10-12)
(1) Receive a pure heart and a steadfast spirit (v.10)
(2) Receive God’s Holy Spirit (v.11)
(3) Receive a spirit of obedience (v.12)

2. Seriously Compensate (v.13-19)

a. Trust God in services (v.13-15)
(1) Turn sinners back to God (v.13)
(2) Give thanks to God (v.14)
(3) Declare the Glory of God (v.15)

b. Trust God in offerings (v.16-19)
(1) Offer up a broken spirit (v.16-17)
(2) Offer up righteous sacrifices (v.18-19)