
Verse: Job 38:12-15、Psalms 57:1-2,7-11

1. Command the Morning Prayer
a. Commanded the dawn ever in life
b. The dawn knows its place

2. The Dawn’s Place
a. Jesus and the dawn
b. The prophet and the dawn (Isaiah 50:4-5、Lamentations 3:19-23)

3. My heart is steadfast … I will awaken the dawn
a. Until the disaster has passed …
b. Awake, my soul …
c. Let your glory be over all the earth

4. Declaring at Dawn
a. The dawn’s place and the resolution to awaken the dawn
b. The dawn’s alignment (in power)
c. From alignment to free-flowing of the dawn
d. Receiving and adorning at dawn
e. The battle and victory at dawn
f. The new declaration, paradigm and atmosphere at dawn