
Can Kindness Overturn You, If You Allow
路加福音Luke 7:36-50

一.西門冰冷的筵席 v.36-39
Simon’s Cool Reception Dinner
1.上賓的邀請,下賓的款待 v. 36
An Honorable Guest, Dishonorable Reception
2.尷尬的場面,看你怎樣下台 v. 37-38
An Embarrassing Situation, Can You Resolve
3.心中議論,沒說出來 v. 39, 49
Murmuring Within, No Communication

二.耶穌打開西門的心竅 v.40-43
Jesus Opens the Heart of Simon
1.西門,我有句話要對你說 v. 40
Simon, I Have A Word For You
2.欠債比諭,誰得恩免多? v. 41-42a
Parable of Debt Cancellation, Who Will Love Most?
3.你斷的不錯,但還是不夠 v. 43
You Judged Rightly, But Not Enough

三.耶穌打開西門的眼睛 v.44-48
Jesus Opens the Eyes of Simon
1.西門,你看見這女人麼? v. 44
Simon, Do You See This Woman?
2.你沒有做的,她都做了 v. 44-46
What You Failed To Do, She Did It All
3.愛的流露,是因生命被恩慈翻轉了,你得嗎? v. 47-8
She Loved Much, For Kindness Has Overturned Her
結論: 這耶穌是甚麼人, v.49-50
Conclusion: Who Is This Jesus,
Can He Overturn a Disgusting Simon Like Me?