經文:以斯拉記 Ezra 5-6
一. 双重啟示 神勸勉建殿 5:1-17
Double revelation, God encourages to build temple
1. 珍寶榮耀滿新殿 該Hag 2:7-9
Precious jewels and glory fill the new Temple
2. 豐盛發達神同住 亞Zec1:16-17,2:10
Abundance and propsertity as God dwells with us
二. 三重降旨 王命令建殿 6:1-15
Threefold decrees, kings command to build temple
三. 四重奉獻 你我要擺上 6:16-22
Fourfold offerings, we are to offer:
1. 歡喜擺上財寶 v.16-17
Riches with joy
2. 事奉擺上禱告 v.18-19
Prayer in ministry
3. 裡外擺上自潔 v.20-21a
Sanctification of ourselves
4. 轉向擺上尋求 v.21b-22;亞Zec1:3