Blessing of filling the earth
黃德隆同工 Co-worker Lemuel Ng
創 Gen 1:28
一、使大地分別為聖(創 Gen 1:28;出 Exo 28:41、29:9)
Fill the earth to consecrate it
二、神必然成就遍滿(賽 Isa 61:9-11、啟 Rev 22:2)
God surely will fill the earth
Blessing of filling the earth
黃德隆同工 Co-worker Lemuel Ng
創 Gen 1:28
一、使大地分別為聖(創 Gen 1:28;出 Exo 28:41、29:9)
Fill the earth to consecrate it
二、神必然成就遍滿(賽 Isa 61:9-11、啟 Rev 22:2)
God surely will fill the earth