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Mama’s Kitchen

Levite Teachers Welcome Sukkot

The Levite teachers celebrated Sukkot at Delphine C-Mo’s home and experienced its joy, warmth, and fulfillment for the first time.

All Nations Celebrate Sukkot

Some of our foreign co-workers from South Africa and the United States are celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) for the first time at 611.

Respond to the calling of One Way

Delphine C-Mo shared how the Levite teachers embraced the Father’s call with simplicity, longing, and emptying themselves to follow it with determination and to connect with the Tree of Life family.

Levite Teachers Set Sail

Pastor Joshua and C-Mo formally introduced our Levite teachers at the monthly prayer meeting, announcing the launch of the Tree of Life Primary School education.

Embracing the role of motherhood

We have come to understand the importance of a mother’s role from several discussions of Delphine C-Mo and the C-Mos of our branch churches.

Discovering BIC

Building upon last week’s topic, how the children of pastors, known as the “next-generation pastors’ children””, navigate the challenges of life and discover BIC (Being, Integration, Connection) by forming authentic and transparent connections.

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