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Mama’s Kitchen

ONE Tree of life

An authentic sin confession comes f rom the heart, it is not prearranged nor is it ordered by someone else verbally. Coming from overseas to HongKong, Jinjun has now become our coworker, and she was deeply moved by the whole 611 Family as they confess sin with one heart.

Rejuvenated through games

Recently, we have been discussing how under a relaxing and joyful atmosphere and through playing games, relationship-building and mingling of life shall be made possible. Yet after talking to many co-workers, we realize that the grown-up know not how to play anymore.

360° Womanhood in my family

How thankful we are to have participated in the Taipei 611 Church Dedication Ceremony last month. In faith, they dedicated the church. They shared a lot of thanksgiving because it was a sure miracle beyond man’s ability.

Praise of the Tree of Life

Tree of Life does not remain unchanged. This year, there have been many internal adjustments in the church. The lives of our co-workers, couple relationship, family conditions and

Sweet Water Overflowing

In recent years, I have begun to appreciate how highly God thinks of the Day of Atonement. Without consecration and self-reflection,

Freedom brings Self-control

The church has birthed her 10th core value! Recently, the church is encountering internal problems while Hong Kong is facing critical moment externally.

Family • Breakfast • Meeting

All our staff gets together for breakfast meeting once a week. This is an exclusive time for me and Pastor Joshua to connect with them.

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