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Mama’s Kitchen

The whole household on pilgrimage

Sukkot musical “The Pilgrim’s Progress II” is still resonating among us. In real life, how do we pass on the Tree of Life nutrients and lead our children on this pilgrimage?

Youth Army Fly High (II)

The Work of the Holy Spirit keeps coming! The youth leaders take the lead to confess sin, realigning the life of youth co-workers with the Tree of Life

Youth Army Fly High (I)

How ground-breaking it is when leaders take the lead to confess sins and bring transformation to next generation

The choices on the pilgrim’s journey

Will you seek help as soon as you are overwhelmed by depression? Will you continue on the pilgrim journey without your family?

New Wineskins Worship

After celebrating 20th anniversary, our church is renewed in all areas! There is breakthrough for worship in Sunday services!

Take off! Fly high!

How do the pastor’s kids turn from obedient children to real children? C-Mo shares her visions with her two-generation spiritual children!

Shopping with Mama

What’s C-Mo mama’s idea about shopping? How come she does not over-spend nor under-spend? Let’s hear the sharing of C-Mo and some beautiful wives!

Leave our caves and we see light

When one man repents, his whole household is out of misery! How do we practice it? C-Mo mama had a good talk with us.

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