Going through hardship together, God is with us
Are prophets spared from all disasters? Our faith shall be tested amid disasters and sickness! Let’s hear the recovery journey of our two prophets from being infected.
Are prophets spared from all disasters? Our faith shall be tested amid disasters and sickness! Let’s hear the recovery journey of our two prophets from being infected.
There is an obedient kid who mistook apple for banana or even marble due to the lack of good communication!
Let’s hear how the “Kingdom Artists” is breaking all the pre-set mindset of performance.
Joey Hui and Cherry Wong, the winners of “All-round life integration” award at the beginning of this year shared their journeys of discovering their Being and life integration.
The co-worker winners of “Demonstrating Being”, “Life breakthrough” and “Best connection” awards
It is more important for the professional workers in church not to be bogged down by professionalism or chased after by perfectionism.
How do we boost deeper interaction and family atmosphere with elders at home? Think out of the box and we can witness miracles!
What a joy to keep pets at home — it warms up the family and even relates to God-man relationship.
Affected by the pandemic, a wedding has to go through many changes.
Recently, C-Mo Delphine has attended a few weddings of co-workers.
The youth highly esteems wedding proposal and surprises these days. It causes pressure on the man.
After marriage, two have become one in body, soul and mind. How about money management? Let’s hear C-Mo sharing.