The Breath of the Tree of Life Reaches Nations
Praise the Lord, we just came back from the 3-day Tree of Life Heartified Commandments Worship Conference. Evidently,
Praise the Lord, we just came back from the 3-day Tree of Life Heartified Commandments Worship Conference. Evidently,
I see that God is using my being of playing basketball and leading us to plant Trees of Life on the basketball court.
It is common knowledge that I am passionate about basketball — a group of people with the same Being connected and lear nt from one another through the basketball camp.
Thank God that the marriage of C-Mo and I has been through forty years of four seasons.
Thank God that our 40th Wedding Anniversary fell right on last Sunday (July 23). We preached from Psalm 113 and dedicated the Tree of Life Anthem and the Four Seasons Cantata that we wrote to God at the services.
Ever since the planting of 611, C-Mo and I have nurtured disciples and co-workers with the heart of father and mother in order that everyone can receive God’s love and grow sturdily.
Thank God that our team of co-workers have been growing up under the Tree of Life over these 22 years.
Father’s Day just passed, MG leaders joined hands with the worship leaders to rewrite my thanksgiving song to God on Mount Sinai.
As we follow God with all our heart and mind and walk along the Tree of Life way, the testimonies of our lives will attract people longing to come to seek and discover.
We did a ground-breaking action during our anniversary service by calling all men who were willing to return home, to come out, to each hold a white flag and kneel before God in confession and repentance of sin. That was a breathtaking scene to behold, and it was totally by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Thank God that during the Pentecost services, He gave us the revelation and calling of “One Tree of Life”. Looking back, it was C-Mo who suggested I share “One Tree of Life” during Pentecost, the day before the services.
Thank God that after the trip to Mount Sinai, the Holy Spirit led me to receive the calling of “One Tree of Life” and to perceive God’s higher thoughts in the book of Ephesians during the Pentecost services, so that He will be glorified.