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ANEW English Service

English services 14:00 pm
Venue: ANEW place
A212-217, 1/F., 16 Tsuen Wah Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T. H.K

True Gospel: True Sonship

1. Become sons of God through faith in Christ (3:26-4:5) 2. Become heir through the Holy Spirit (4:6-7)

Freedom In Christ

Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok Date: 2019.04.19 Verse: Galatians 2

Hospitable Church

Preacher: Kim & Edwin Date: 2019.03.31 Verse: Romans 12:9-13

Acceptable 2019: The Compromising Jacob

1. Delay in fulfilling the vow, causes disgrace to the chosen family (v.33:18-34:4)
2. Inaction to the injustice, causes violence revenge (v.5-29)……

Acceptable 2019

1. Look up – the heavens declare God’s glory;
2. Look down – the scripture helps us to be acceptable…

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