The fourth commandment: Consecrate the Sabbath (D)
Scriptures: Exodus 20:8-11
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Exodus 20:8-11
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Jonah 1:1-3; 4:6-11
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Ex 20:8-11
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Ex 20:8-11
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Ex 20:8-11
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Isaiah 58:1-14
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Ex 20:7; Mat 6:5-8; Pro:18:10
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Exodus 20:7, Matthew 6:5-13
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok
Scriptures: Psalm 16
Preacher: Hannah Poon
Scriptures: Joshua 8
Preacher: Stella Ho