From Love to Love
Preacher: Ms. Stella Ho Date: 2019.04.07 Verse: John 21
Preacher: Ms. Stella Ho Date: 2019.04.07 Verse: John 21
Preacher: Kim & Edwin Date: 2019.03.31 Verse: Romans 12:9-13
1. Delay in fulfilling the vow, causes disgrace to the chosen family (v.33:18-34:4)
2. Inaction to the injustice, causes violence revenge (v.5-29)……
1. Gods’ acceptance surpasses human limitations. (v. 19-26)
2. Human responsibility fulfills God’s acceptance (v. 27-34)
1. Delight in the Tree of Life
2. Become the tree of Life……
1. Look up – the heavens declare God’s glory;
2. Look down – the scripture helps us to be acceptable…
1. Submit to the will of God
2. Wait for God to act
1.My heart, fear not for the Lord is my strength.
2.My soul, behold and seek the Lord for salvation……
1. I shall not want
2. Refreshed in His banqueting hall……
1. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me
2. Sent and Anointed……