verse: Revelation 2:18-29; 1:19-20; 19:15; 22:16 1. A compromising church will face severe judgments of the Lord (v.18-25)
verse: Revelation 2:1-7 1)Do not fixate on work (V1-4a)
1. Become sons of God through faith in Christ (3:26-4:5) 2. Become heir through the Holy Spirit (4:6-7)
Preacher: Pastor Ruby Kwok Date: 2019.04.19 Verse: Galatians 2
Preacher: Ms. Stella Ho Date: 2019.04.07 Verse: John 21
Preacher: Kim & Edwin Date: 2019.03.31 Verse: Romans 12:9-13
1. Delay in fulfilling the vow, causes disgrace to the chosen family (v.33:18-34:4)
2. Inaction to the injustice, causes violence revenge (v.5-29)……
1. Gods’ acceptance surpasses human limitations. (v. 19-26)
2. Human responsibility fulfills God’s acceptance (v. 27-34)
1. Delight in the Tree of Life
2. Become the tree of Life……