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By God’s grace, join Bible School, enjoy abundance

我報讀611學房,我曾是跨國企業COO (Chief Operating Officer)

By God's grace, join Bible School, enjoy abundance

I gave my life to Jesus in secondary school and grew up in a mainstream church. In the past, my faith was in vain because I only went to church to meet with friends. 

Sharon Yan


Then, God led me to 611 Church in 2011 and has been equipping me in a different way. At the end of 2011, God urged me to take “Marketplace Leadership Diploma” course. To me, who have been studying extremely hard for more than a decade from secondary school to university until I obtained a master degree in Law at London University in England, the idea of further study was daunting. Firstly, I had once vowed that I would study no more. Also, my job involves law related to business, financing and acquiring and combining assets which required very long working hours even until midnight, therefore, it was almost impossible for me to take the course.

In spite of these, God greatly stirred my heart and the class was held at 2-minute walk from my workplace. Therefore, I laid aside my own thoughts. In 2012, I enrolled in the “Marketplace Leadership diploma” course. It was very practical in constantly renewing me with God’s truth and teaching me the important principles of obeying and honoring bosses, as well as establishing good relationship with my staff and colleagues. Out of good interpersonal relationships, my work becomes easy and smooth. Amazingly, after I took the course, I started to be able to get off work on time. And I was stunned that my job had become lighter but my salary increased.

In the middle of 2013, God gave me a vision about catching a very important flight, through prayers and confirmation from my cell leader, I was shocked to find out that God wanted me to study at the 611 Leadership Institute full time. After many struggles, I told my boss about my decision to respond to God’s calling. And surprisingly, I found favor before my boss and he allowed me to work part time. In 2014, I joined in the Bible School and elected 3 subjects which meant I had classes 3 mornings a week and would not be able to work. However, my clients were happy to fit in my schedule and thus my working hours were greatly reduced, but my salary was not. It is all God’s grace.

In 2015, God urged me further to go for full time study. When I was willing to put down more for God and resigned from my job, my boss offered me flexible working hours. Then I realized, with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. He is indeed the Big Boss of my company.

Later this year, I shall finish my studies in the Bible School. In hindsight, God has not only blessed me financially, but more so, He has healed my body, mind and soul. He has readjusted my core values and life direction and led me to depend on Him but not money. I have learned to let him take control of my work, my feelings and my family. Never did I imagine life could be this easy with God-given vision and direction. No more painful toil at work for me.

Through practicum and the healing and deliverance lessons in Bible School, I put into practice the Truth and techniques learned, bringing healing to body, soul and mind. In the meantime, God healed my relationship with my father in a deep way. I used to hold a grudge towards him and didn’t want to see him. Now I am willing to accompany him and even travel with him. Through the training in the Bible School, I may build intimate relationship with God and others. What’s more, I am more honest, genuine, accommodating and loving in relationship.

Through morning devotions, Bible classes, Bible reading and memorizing scriptures; I build up the habit of studying and meditating on God’s words and reflecting on myself. Over time, my bad temper, pride, self-reliance and self-seeking have all improved as I immerse myself in God’s words for a long period of time. Now I can persevere, forgive and love others more.

As I willingly responded to God’s calling, He gave me the vision to disciple those fatherless and single parent children of this generation. Meanwhile, He brought these sheep to me so as to ordain me as a cell leader. He has stretched my spiritual capacity and raised me up.

Thanks to my Heavenly Father for being so good to me and that I am loved, renewed and built up in Bible School. ■ (Sharon Yan is a solicitor by profession and now a full time student in 611 Leadership Institute.)