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Kingdom Vessels of the Era

Kingdom Vessels of the Era

The burden of a nation’s rise and fall lays on the priest’s shoulders first. When God called the people of Israel to account, the priests and the Levites bore greater responsibility than even the king – because God had made the “Levitical covenant” with them. It is evident from this that the key of revival hinges on the establishment of the priesthood which connects Man with God.

Pastor Joshua Cheung

Principal of 611 Leadership Institute

During the revival of Israel and the third wave of their return, who did Ezra count and highly regard? Which group of people was most notably missing? In the time of Kings when revival came to Israel, whom did God establish first? When Israel was declining, which part of it was jeopardized first? One answer applies to all the above questions: the priests and the Levites.

The turmoil and adversity of Hong Kong today are unprecedented – society is in a deep rift, devoid of discernment of good and wrong.

Slowly, Hong Kong is going from prosperity and abundance to downturn. Should this continue, Hong Kong will lose her call and her destiny. What is Hong Kong’s destiny? According to Rick Joyner’s prophecy in 2002, in a dream he saw Taiwan turned into a huge ship which sailed on a beautiful sea. The sea water was first blue, then green, and switched between the two. However, this ship crashed, its mainsail broken. It could sail no more and desperately called for repair. Then, the water current brought her to a harbor – Hong Kong – where she was promptly restored. When she came out from the harbor, the two thick towing cables attached to the ship were drawing Mainland China into the open sea.

What a moving picture! It signifies China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan marching together towards the destiny of worldwide evangelism. Therefore, Hong Kong must arise to revive the whole of Asia and the world and take up the last baton of the Gospel. Should Hong Kong stay in decline, her call and destiny will be stolen by the enemy, this we dread to see.

At the age of 20, God called me to be a pastor and preacher. Right after graduating university, I started working. Once I saved up enough money, I took a Masters in Divinity at Regent Seminary in Vancouver at the age of 33. From 36 years of age, I began fulltime ministry. I am now 65, I thank God for His leading up to this point. In 2001, we planted 611 Bread of Life Christian Church in Hong Kong. Now, we have many overseas daughter churches, and we are one of the fastest growing churches. For the past 18 years, we have been greatly blessed and mightily used by God.

Today God, is building up both myself and “611”. Not only do I esteem myself as a pastor of a church in Hong Kong, but more than that, as the spiritual parent of this city. Therefore, my heart breaks as I see the current situation of Hong Kong. However, transformation is possible – starting with the priests and the Levites. “My Kingdom is not of the world.”(John 18:36) Truth prevails under any type of political system, but the priests and the Levites are desperately required to be the Kingdom vessels of this era.

Dear brothers and sisters: let us seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and respond to God’s call, let us be equipped by entering the Bible School. The 611 Leadership Institute distinguishes itself by offering students comprehensive involvement in the 611 church, which is open wide to the Holy Spirit. Students may experience on the field how the five-fold ministry works, and how to apply the Word of God in real life. They shall have first-hand knowledge in the ministries and departments of the church, and how to live out the ten core values among other things. Last year, God granted us His vision and will of “52 years Planting Tree of Life everywhere,” which demands many vessels to assume priestly responsibilities. The 611 Leadership Institute is the ideal setting for training the Kingdom vessels of this era.

At the moment, the more turmoil Hong Kong is in, the more important it is for priests and Levites who understand the work of the Holy Spirit. They are the vessels of this era who follow the voice of the Heavenly Father, and lead the people into revival – instead of listening to the crowd. Over these 18 years, we have witnessed how God manifests His glory in “611”. Hence, we are strongly convinced that in these unstable days, His peace and righteousness shall abound in us. Dear brothers and sisters, are you ready to be the Kingdom vessels of transformation for this era? ■