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Becoming New Wineskins that contain New Wine

Become the New Wineskins that Contain New Wine

The four steps of new wine are longing, emptying, filling, and overflowing. The most important of them is longing for God and for one’s life renewed. If one has this longing, we will be willing to empty our past knowledge and experiences, then the new wine will flow into our life!

Pastor Joshua Cheung


At the wedding banquet in Cana, the wine ran out, putting the couple in a predicament. However, the presence of Jesus and the faith and desire of Mary brought forth a miracle – the water was turned into wine. It solved the dilemma at that time and the disciples recognized that Jesus was the Son of God. The best wine has been kept until now! Jesus is the new wine and the solution to all our problems!

The four steps of new wine are longing, emptying, filling, and overflowing. The most important of them is longing for God and for one’s life renewed. If one has this longing, we will be willing to empty our past knowledge and experiences, then the new wine will flow into our life! 611 Church is now 23 years old. We have not stopped renewing, longing for the Holy Spirit, emptying our past experiences as well as filling up on living water. The daytime bible school has also updated its curriculum in recent years – besides adding the Tree of Life breath class and “Being-oriented” practicum, the class is conducted in a more interactive way, encouraging questions and more discussions, hence allowing the truth to take deeper root.

Dear brothers and sisters, if you desire to be a new wineskin and let the Holy Spirit and Christ flow in your life, enrolling in 611 Bible School will be your best decision! May we all become new wineskins containing new wine, bringing miracles and blessings to this generation.