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Phoebe’s testimony

I was formally a primary school teacher. I am currently studying at 611 Bible School.

I am grateful to be a second-generation believer, having grown up attending church with Bible knowledge but without true fellowship with God. It wasn’t until I attended 611 Church in 2003 that I truly connected with God and felt His love through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. This sparked a desire in me to serve God full-time.


I am grateful to be a second-generation believer, having grown up attending church with Bible knowledge but without true fellowship with God. It wasn’t until I attended 611 Church in 2003 that I truly connected with God and felt His love through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. This sparked a desire in me to serve God full-time.

Nevertheless, I didn’t receive God’s calling immediately. Instead, I became a teacher and experienced God’s grace in my workplace, leading my students to win music awards. I told my parents that I wanted to quit my job and study at the Bible School, but they were strongly against it, and my mother only allowed me to consider it after I got married. In 2018, I got married. Pastor Joshua called my husband and me to full-time ministry. Since I had just been promoted, I planned to resign after one year. Yet I got pregnant the following year. Thus, Pastor Joshua and C-Mo encouraged me to take care of the child first. As three years passed, I couldn’t help but ask God when it would be my turn to pursue full-time ministry, as my husband had graduated from Bible School and was a full-time coworker.

God answered my prayer in a surprising way. It was due to the needs of my eldest son, God enabled me to step down from my teaching career that had lasted more than ten years. Less than two months later, Delphine C-Mo, moved by the Holy Spirit, invited me and my husband to serve at Wonder 611 Church. God’s wonder happened. Louisa C-Mo of Wonder 611 Church took the initiative to talk to my parents, who, amazingly, let me attend the Bible School and be a full-time co-worker of the church! Hallelujah!

At the start of the Bible School, God helped me overcome my perfectionism. Since I had ministry responsibilities, I had to attend online classes half the time. As a result, I learned to attend classes without being perfect. At the Contemplation Camp, I experienced God’s love deeply and His deliverance. Throughout the contemplation, God removed much of my guilt and indebtedness from my heart toward Him. Having children made it harder for me to get closer to God and wait on Him, and I often blamed myself for that. However, Pastor HK led us into the scenario of Zacchaeus’s story and the dialogue with God. It was like attending a couples’ camp with Jesus, and it was a beautiful experience.


Besides, I learned a lot from Pastor Jason’s teachings on the Spirit of Witchcraft. I realized that I struggled with being a people-pleaser, a well-behaved kid and subject to emotional manipulation. Through his teachings and the confrontation of other teachers, I was able to tackle my problems and reject such a stronghold of manipulation.

Thank you, Lord! Two years of study at the Bible School has reshaped my life, restored my relationship with God, and set me free to become a vessel for God!