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Prayer for Singapore

The nation is becoming increasingly materialistic, and many Singaporeans are concerned with pursuing wealth and money. Hence, family structures and relationships suffer today because they are no longer a social priority.

The Church is thriving, but in a highly materialistic, competitive, and achievement-oriented society, Christians struggle to sustain their spiritual faith. There is an intrinsic sense of vulnerability associated with them, which often affects the Church. Many Christians are struggling to prioritize spiritual blessings and growth over personal achievement and worldly riches. Subconsciously, excessive competition within society has also crept into the Church, undermining unity among congregations. A sense of pride that often tends to withhold praise from God is fed by the many successes of the nation and the Church.

May Singaporeans have a Christ-glorifying testimony of vibrant and significant faith in contemporary society. I pray that Christians will have Spirit-led sensitivity and wisdom. Let us also pray for our eyes to set upon God and not worldly distractions made so available in our Society. For family to remain bonded and love to overarch all troubles and circumstances. For true unity to come among various congregations and not competition and strife. May our faith in the Lord continue to be simple and true especially during these trying times.

Currently, the COVID-19 cases in Singapore remain numerically low, we continue to pray for God’s protection for the city. We also give thanks for the vaccine made available for Singaporeans. That the vaccine does not leave side effects for those who have been vaccinated. For researchers and scientists to have wisdom on seeking the cure for this virus.

By Seah Jo Lyn, HK611 co-worker