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Prayer for the USA

In the midst of this world pandemic, every country is suffering and at many different levels. For that reason, now more than ever, we need intervention. The intervention can only come from above. The road is long and, our prayers and willingness to repent will improve this global pandemic.

Father in heaven, we pray that the country USA will turn back to its original founding principles. We pray that American families will start to reunite in one country under one God, and adopt to follow the true Elohim.

Father in heaven, we pray that the government will make great efforts to aid those who are sick with this Covid-19, by providing free health care and related services who are in need.

Father in heaven, we pray that American families will start to reunite in daily family worship, to strengthen family ties and ease tensions.

Father in heaven, we pray that the government will allow all schools to teach Bible basics again, bringing hope and clarity to our youth.

Father in heaven, we pray that the government will set up prayer rooms for all students, allowing them to remember their Creator throughout their day, and restoring their own transformational power by allowing them to connect to this abundant source.

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans10:13) Let’s repent and be saved. We pray these prayers in the name of our Adonai.


By sister Susan Berlincioni, 611 Leadership Institute student