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The Leadership Institute prepares workers to labor with God

我報讀611學房,我曾是跨國企業COO (Chief Operating Officer)

The Leadership Institute prepares workers to labor with God

We are Tommy Lee and Ivy Lee (Sze) and we are the current executive pastors of 611 Bethlehem Church in Yunlin, Taiwan. Praise the Lord that we may pastor the first branch church of Shekinah 611 BOL church, Taichung with the trust of Ps Joshua and C-mo from our grandmother church, and the support of Pastor Hing Zhui. By God’s grace, we have this precious learning opportunity.

Pastor Tommy and wife


My wife and I graduated from 611 Bible School in 2015 and 2014 respectively. Right after Sze’s graduation on 26th Nov 2016, Ps Joshua and C-mo invited us to go for a short-term mission trip in Yunlin, Taiwan. Due to the equipping of 611 Bible School, we are trained to be workers of the Lord, working for Him and with Him.

The most memorable experience for me (Tommy) in the Bible School was the teaching of expository preaching by Ps Joshua. He wholeheartedly taught us hoping to pass on all that he knows to every student, and he put extra effort in teaching us how to do sentence flow, in order to equip us and raise up our standard in Bible interpretation and study. As a beginner, I had not a clue. But Ps Joshua demonstrated through various methods and gave us materials to practice. As I understand more now, I will do my best in preparing my sermon because I realize how serious Ps Joshua is taking God’s Words as it is crucial that we should feed our flock with God’s Words, this is a great gift from God.

For me (Sze), the most important thing I have learnt from 611 Leadership institute is to equip myself and strengthen my heart in full time ministry through the Word of God. He was leading me with His Word as I decided to quit my job and joined the 611 Bible school. Many times, when my emotions gave in as I came across weaknesses and difficulties, I would be struggling really hard. In my first half year in the Bible school, I would be afraid whenever my savings dropped. Even though in my head, I knew that my God is my provider and I heard countless testimonies about God’s provision, but still my emotions would go up and down and I even thought about returning to the market place.

I really thank God for speaking to me in every lesson of the Bible School, especially, “those who are called”. It helped me to build my faith and hope in God’s characters and the Truth. My God, who has called me, is the Creator of heaven and earth and He called everything into being (Genesis chapter 1). Therefore, He can provide all that I need. Now as I walk in God’s calling with His blessings on me, He makes me rich with no added sorrow. Every time, when I was lack of faith, God encouraged me through the teachings in the Bible school so that my faith might be built up in His Word.

Thank God! Through the Bible school, my commitment in full-time ministry is not just about passion and emotions, but instead, it is established in God’s mighty and unshakable Word. In hindsight, God has sharpened my insight and increased my faith through difficult circumstances so that I do not focus on finance, my fresh and emotions, but the Word and Power of God alone. God’s grace and provision are abundant, never ending and more than enough. In Bible School, there were many teacher-student breakfast meetings and staff meetings. Moreover, I went for different short-term mission trips which were more that what I did in the market place. Now, I am working full-time in church, I received a lot of clothes and food from brothers and sisters, fresh vegetable from the field, I always have more than enough. These are His faithful provision when I serve Him.

Thank God! Right after the training and equipping from the Bible School, we, as a couple, received the invitation from Ps Joshua and C-mo to serve in Taiwan. We were nervous, excited, but also full of anticipation for being led by God to our calling. Not only did we receive endorsement from God, blessings from our authorities but also support from our parents. Now as we are in the path of overseas mission, learning how to lead a church and pastor the flock and the training we received in Bible School gives us directions and ideas so that we are not at a loss. For example, Bible School taught us that the church weekly bulletin served as the assistant pastor, discipling the congregation. Therefore I renewed our weekly bulletin as soon as I set foot in the church. After discussing with our co-workers, we put in more elements of pastoral cares in the bulletin to disciple our brothers and sisters.

Moreover, we learnt about prayer walk in Bible school, hence, we drew the spiritual map of our church vicinity little by little. Once, we shared the spiritual mapping with a local pastor who was well amazed at the comprehensive teachings of 611 Bible School.

The top priority of our church is to cultivate the Presence of God through igniting the lampstand by running morning devotion. Co-workers, brothers and sisters all come to morning devotion even on a typhoon day. Morning devotion started from scratch from online recording to regular occurrence and the attendance grows steadily as well.

From the Bible School, we came to discern what is of higher importance and what should be done with extra vigilance. Since we have taken up the post, the church is more of 611 DNA, from cell group, weekly bulletin and even Sunday services and in turn we see the lives of church staff, cell leaders, brothers and sisters transformed. The nurture and teaching from Bible school teachers should take the credits.

Last but not least, we would like to thank Pastor Joshua and C-Mo for establishing the 611 Bible School, equipping God’s workers. Also, our deep appreciation is to 611 Bible School and her teachers who taught us in love, passing on church building technique. Consequently, we may build the church of God in unity, bringing His Kingdom on earth, letting His will be done on earth as in heaven. How grateful we are to God for choosing us to be His vessels. May 611 Bible School continue to equip more and more workers to work with the Lord in this end time. ■ (Pastor Tommy Lee and Sze Li are pastors in Bethlehem 611 Bread of Life Christian Church in Yunlin, Taiwan)