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The Leadership Institute equips us all around and builds up wholesome life

我報讀611學房,我曾是跨國企業COO (Chief Operating Officer)

The Leadership Institute equips us all around and builds up wholesome life

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1 NIV)

The above verse describes what we were like when we were pastoring a church in Taiwan. We had tried all we could to serve the brothers and sisters in Christ, yet the sense of helplessness about church and even ourselves overwhelmed us. By God’s Grace, we had an opportunity to attend the Couples’ Camp, making friends with Pastor Joshua and C-Mo from 611 Church. The Couples’ Camp not only restored our marriage relationship but also let us come to know this wonderful church.

Pastor Simon Peter and wife


At that time, we envied others who attended this church and even came to Hong Kong to be equipped… these were out of our reach. Every time we left 611 Church or a camp, we felt really lost as we had no idea how to build a church.

In 2014, God made our dream come true so that we didn’t just stand afar but we overcame all obstacles and joined 611 Leadership Institute without time pressure which we had long dreamed of.

Different courses in the Bible School broke off the myths I have had about Bible and Bible characters so that I have broader views on Bible now.

I began to reflect on mAy blind spots and misconception in pastoring church through the Service series and now I have deeper insight on how 611 church services have been led by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit series helped me understand the Work of the Holy Spirit. In particular, the repeated practice in the healing and deliverance classes allowed me to learn the biblical basis and understand in depth how to help set free the captives and release the prisoners from darkness. Therefore, no more aimless healing and deliverance as I did before.

The Scripture series filled my gap in Biblical knowledge so that I might go deeper in God’s Words and come to understand His wills. Expository preaching taught us how to analyze Scripture, which was very new, difficult and yet helpful. We were shamefully reminded of the wrong messages we shared from the pulpit before but we were grateful to have our foundations built in His Words in the Bible School.

The Sanctification series identified my blind spots and what the Holy Spirit truly wanted me to learn from the Bible stories in order that we might be bold in facing confrontations.

During the 2 years studying in 611 Leadership Institute, apart from soaking ourselves in biblical knowledge and building up our lives, we could also feel the love, sincerity and selflessness of the teachers. In the safe environment built by the love of Pastor Joshua and C-Mo, our bitterness was uprooted one by one. Holy Spirit did not give up in exposing our darkness in life. Thank God that we felt secure enough to share and receive teaching in His love, rebuilding our broken lives. We dearly miss our time in Hong Kong, even though we are pastoring church in Taipei right now, I know we are not the same anymore, we have been made new. Praise the Lord for giving us spiritual parents and a spiritual home where we may receive new knowledge and hence turning into new wineskin to contain new wine. We thank our heavenly Father for not giving up on us. Therefore, we look forward to seeing more brothers and sisters being equipped to be new creations! ■ (Pastor Simon Dai and C-Mo Daisy Leung are senior pastors of Taipei 611 Bread of Life Christian Church)