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Renewed in Love

我報讀611學房,我曾是跨國企業COO (Chief Operating Officer)

Renewed in Love

In 2010, since our family left our previous church with the senior pastor, we had been looking for spiritual covering from other churches. At the end of 2012, the family of our senior pastor decided to study in the HK 611 Leadership Institute for three months, while his daughter would study for two years. In 2013, my wife and I joined the HK 611 Pastors’ Couples Camp for the first time which greatly helped us to understand each other better. It exposed our problem of constantly living under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Pastor Stephen and wife


On 7th July 2014, a new journey started as we followed Pastor Chen to set up Penang 611 Bread of Life Christian Church and came under Kuching 611 Bread of Life Christian Church which is now our mother church. We thank God for leading my wife and me to study at HK 611 Leadership Institute for two and a half months since mid-September 2015 as we experienced healing, restoration, and renewal in strength.

Renewal of Mindset

Our appetite for God’s Word has been restored and we came to know the Word of God in a new way and even our shallow mind in reading God’s Word has been deepened. We came to realize that we didn’t enjoy the Word of God before. As we read one chapter of the Bible in morning devotion everyday in 611, we received new inspiration everyday, therefore, we have even stronger desire to soak in the Presence of God. In the Bible school, teachers gave students assessment, encouragement and exhortation, teaching them how to lead a service including praise and worship, announcement, ten-minute preaching, life testimony, power ministry, even about how they dress and their gestures etc. These practical exercises promoted and renewed our attitude in ministry.

In HK 611 Leadership Institute, our mindset is renewed. In the past, we only had head knowledge of the Truth, but did not know how to live it out; therefore we did not know how to handle conflicts in our ministry. We loved with no wisdom, and were inflexible in applying the Truth in real life. Now we learn to be flexible but still abiding in the Truth in our daily life and ministry.

We are truly thankful for the Bible School teachers who gave us not only lecture, but even shared their life testimonies and spiritual journeys. Courses included “financial traps and debt handling”, “understanding homosexuality, depression, healing and deliverance” which are what we face in modern societies and we desperately need to learn. “Study on anointing – nature and glory of anointing”, “those who are called”, and “power ministry coupled with spiritual gifts”, etc have renewed us because we knew nothing about these areas before. From these courses, we learned not only Biblical Truth and knowledge, but more importantly, we need to live our lives as the Tree of Life.

Renewal of Strength

The presence of God and the moving of the Holy Spirit are very strong in HK 611 Church. Besides taking classes in the morning, my wife and I also attended different gatherings, services and courses at night. We had gatherings almost every day which we struggled in the beginning but it was very beneficial to our spirits. How grateful we are that our spirit is delivered and our body finds rest as well.

As stated in the vision of HK 611 Church, our grandmother church, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is indeed on the church, because the Lord has anointed the church, to proclaim good news to the poor; He has sent the church to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives, and release from darkness for the prisoners. We were deeply touched by the Spirit of the Lord during each and every gathering and service.

Pastoral Care in Love

HK 611 Church emphasizes discipleship. Every brother and sister, including all cell leaders, co-workers, ministers and pastors, must learn to disciple others, and to be discipled. We noticed that love is very important in discipleship. There bound to be frictions and conflicts and personal weaknesses in discipleship, but love can resolve all these and even brings healing and growth.

What a golden opportunity that we could attend the Staff Breakfast Meeting every Thursday in which we learned how Pastor Joshua and C-Mo taught their spiritual children with parental love. During the meeting, co-workers would point out practical difficulties or problems their departments encountered and we learned to appreciate and cherish the pastoral care by Pastor Joshua and C-Mo. Truly as God’s love is in our midst, we may live out that divine love and learn with humility.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our spiritual parents Pastor Chen and his wife for encouraging us to come and study at the HK 611 Bread of Life Christian Church. We would also like to thank Pastor Joshua and C-Mo, all pastors and co-workers here, all Bible School teachers and many beloved brothers and sisters that we got to know during our time in Hong Kong. Thank you all for your love and blessings. ■ (Pastor Stephen Lok and Charity Tuen are pastors in Penang 611 Bread of life Christian Church in Penang, Malaysia)