My name is Dylin Sasam from Philippines, a disciple of Pastor Ruby. I have been a C-Mo (Pastor’s wife) for 25 years.
我報讀611學房,我曾是跨國企業COO (Chief Operating Officer)
My name is Dylin Sasam from Philippines, a disciple of Pastor Ruby. I have been a C-Mo (Pastor’s wife) for 25 years.
As a pioneering ministry, we planted a church in a provincial tribal area of th Philippines, and for seven years I handled and taught a children’s and women’s group to help educate them in all areas of their lives. However, due to the lack of financial support my husband and I encountered and the difficulties in handling and continuing the ministry, we decided to give up on them and move to Manila. There, my husband served for 5 years as an assistant pastor at his spiritual father’s church and I taught as a preschool teacher in the Christian school of the church. Nevertheless, ever since our early years of marriage and ministry, I felt that the only solution we had to meet our financial need and for us to come out from poverty was for me to go outside to work. Therefore, I laid down my calling as a C-Mo and travelled abroad to the Middle East and then came to Hong Kong, working as a domestic helper.
At first I thought it was the will of God, but later realized I was driven by worry and fear. Additionally, it was hard to live up to my employer’s expectations under their constant belittling; it was tough. I cried out to God.
Always gracious to me, He heard my prayers and in 2013, He made a way for me to come to 611 ANEW (All Nations English Worship) and my life drastically changed. I went from being a full-time domestic helper to being a full-time 611 Bible School student and co-worker. I discovered my true identity as His beloved child and saw just how much He treasured me.
Whether it was for the Bible School classes, staff meetings, or Morning Devotions, every day there were at least six English translators who voluntarily gave their time to help me without expecting anything in return. Through their help the love of God really melted my heart and my attitude and the way I saw things changed; I, myself, became more passionate and kind towards others. By spending more time reading the Bible and waiting upon God, I was transformed from being weak and negative into being a courageous and positive woman.
I became a mighty vessel of God, ready to be used by Him and was given an opportunity to serve cell leaders in ANEW, becoming a spiritual mother to many. In the year and a half that I have been here, I was able to raise up three disciples and have 30 cell members.
Having come to 611, I now realize that I can do all things through Him Who strengthens me. I have received a new revelation about my identity as God’s beloved daughter and as a C-Mo. My spiritual eyes have been opened and my priorities properly set by putting God first, people second, and then the earth. Based on the church’s core value, Relationship Before Ministry, I will return to Philippines to build a more intimate relationship with my husband and son. I realize that I need God and need to focus on His will, not just on making money, sacrificing important relationships. I now treasure my original calling and identity as the natural born helper of my husband. I need to be with my son and my spiritual children, and in doing so, together we can fulfill God’s perfect will and calling for our family, church, and nation.
I am so thankful to my authority and am no longer fearful because I know that they are there to love, guide and help me. Thanks to Pastor Joshua, C-Mo Delphine and Pastor Ruby for being my spiritual parents. I also praise God for equipping me at 611 Bible School. God worked everything out and turned every curse into blessings. I will return home and serve Him with true freedom and wholeness.
My vision is to help my husband build our church in Antipolo and take up my role as spiritual mother, raising up more disciples and sending them out to minister all over the Philippines. I will not give up on my people again as I did before. Additionally, my deepest desire and prayer is that someday we can build our own Christian School to raise up the new Joshua generation and, together with these children, we will worship and serve the most high God among the nations. To God be the highest glory alone.■