28 May (Day 28)
“After this I will return and rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins I will rebuild, and I will restore it, that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who bear my name,” (Acts 15:16-17)
🎪 Gentiles all seek the Lord
May the tent of David be built up, let those Gentiles who have never inquired or sought the Lord meet with God! Praise the Lord, He shall surely fulfill in our generation His promise of a big harvest through the prophecy by Prophet Amos!
🎪 Bring the Israelites back from exile
O Lord, protect your people from being hunt down and killed! May the Lord gather your people from all nations with your trumpet call, let them rebuild the ruined cities, live and work in peace and contentment in their homeland.
🎪 247 united prayer altar of all churches in Hong Kong
O Lord, may you build an united prayer altar in Hong Kong, so it will no longer be uprooted from the land you have given them. May our united worship and prayer be set before you like incense!
🎪 Strategy and development of 611247
May God mightily anoint the co-workers in charge with His revelation and lead the harp and bowl direction of 611247. So they will walk in God’s will and greatly satisfy His heart. Amen!