Day 13
Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them were healed. (Acts 5:16)
💧 remove the wicked heart of unbelief
O Lord, forgive us of spiritual deafness and blindness, unwilling to believe that you are the true and living God who alone works wonders. Not only are we unbelieving, we even oppose the work of the Holy Spirit which results in dividing the Body of Christ. May God give us grace and mercy!
💦Healing family relationship
May God heal couple’s relationship, remove all wrongs, and release them into God’s predestined marriage relationship, with one husband and one wife for a life-time, and becoming the hope and example for the children’s marriage.
May God demolish the partitioned walls of the two generations by turning the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents. Every family is greatly filled with the love of the Lord, forgiving and accepting each other. Let the people see that God is really in our midst.
🌊Healing power fill the Church
May the healing power of Jehovah Rapha fill your church. Through healing camp, conferences and personal in-depth healing, remove all family bondages, power of idols, and let people live out the abundance and freedom in Christ. Amen !