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You and I are the “Precious Pearl” in God’s eyes

In the monthly prayer meeting on 14th February, Pastor Joshua and C-Mo shared their visit to a famous pearl provider in Australia. Due to cordial hospitality of the provider, Pastor Joshua and C-Mo had deep conversation with them and come to understand their history. Being greatly impressed, C-Mo stated that.

“This well-known pearl provider is a family business whose ancestors from Greece went to Australia in 1919 and this year marks their 100th anniversary. In the beginning, they were unaware of pearls inside the clamshells. They made a business making buttons from clamshells. Later on, as plastic buttons appeared in market, their business was closing down. Only then they discovered pearls inside clamshells and were nicely surprised that pearls worth much more than buttons!”

“From this history, I realize that church ministry may sometimes focus on areas other than cultivating pearls which is of great importance. The truth is, God regards people much higher than ministry. As discipleship is like mother-of-pearl embracing pearls, we esteem everyone precious and beautiful just as pearls as we willingly build up one’s life. We consider man’s life worthwhile of our time and effort. The Bible says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” (Mt 13:45-46) Truly, in the eyes of God, we are all precious pearls, you and I are the apples of God’s eyes! •