築起愛與信任的祭壇 Build an altar of love and trust 創世記 Genesis 22:1-18 1. 帶下神的同在和預備 (v.9-14) Bring down God’ […]
張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby
Pastor Richard Mason
詩篇 46、約伯記 19
Pastor Ruby Kwok
Gen 1:1-5
Pastor Ruby Kwok
Isaiah 12:1-4
Pastor Ruby Kwow
Mark 16:16
1. 以神為神,向神傾訴
2. 蒙神顧念,整合感恩
3. 繼續相信,繼續放手
張陳培南師母 C-Mo Delphine
張戎牧師 Pastor Ruby
撒母耳記上 1-2章
1. Treat God as God, Confide in God
2. Remembered by God, integrated and thankful
3. Continue to believe, continue to let go
Pastor Ruby Kwok
Mat 6:19-34