
Return to the path of submission


講員:譚淑儀牧師 Pastor Debby Tam



經文:約書亞記 Joshua 7


一、不要走不信的路 (1-5)

Do not take the path of unfaithfulness

  1. 貪心之路,惹神發怒 (1)

The path of covetousness, God is angry

  1. 人意之路,不蒙喜悅(2-5)

The path of man’s will, God is displeased


二、不要落在咒詛中 (6-15)

Do not fall into curse


三、面對問題,重回順服 (16-26)

Facing trouble, return to submission

  1. 找出問題(16-21)

Identify the trouble

  1. 解決問題(22-26)

Settle the trouble