生命樹下 美好關係
Beautiful relationship under the Tree of Life

萬偉玲牧師 Pastor Lyan
箴27:1-17; 箴25:28

一,生命樹言行 建立關係 (v1-4)
Words and deeds of the Tree of Life build relationships

1. 謙卑心 不自誇 (v1-2)
Be humble and never boast

2. 好情緒 不嫉妒 (v3-4)
Healthy emotions, get rid of jealousy

二,真心勸勉話 要看關係 (v5-10)
Words of sincere exhortation depend on relationship

三,智慧立界線 美好關係 (v11-17,箴25:28)
Wisdom establishes boundaries, resulting a good relationship