

一、藉著聖靈神與人同住 v.1-3
God lives in us (Shekinah) through the His Spirit

1. 主耶和華的靈在我身上 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is Upon Me
2. 接待窮困人就是接待神 Hosting the Poor and Lowly is Hosting God
3. 成為公義樹見證神榮耀 Oaks of Righteousness Witness Shekinah Glory

二、神同住帶動轉化世代 v.4-11
Shekinah Undertakes Transformation

1. 重修荒場 Rebuild Ruins v.4
2. 必作主人 Re-establish Leadership v.5
3. 神的祭司 Revive Priesthood v.6a
4. 得財恩膏 Reclaim Wealth of Nations v.6b
5. 加倍恩寵 Receive a Double Portion v.7a
6. 永遠之樂 Rejoice Evermore v.7b
7. 蒙福後裔 Re-inherit Generational Blessings v.8-9
8. 公義讚美 Restore Righteousness and Praise v.10

三、從611到6111 – 列國都要有神同住 v.1,11
From 611 to 6111 – Shekinah in All Nations