
2020 Overall Upgrade 2.0

經文:彼後 2Pet 1:4-8,11

一. 靈命提昇 2.0 Spiritual upgrade 2.0

1. 恩上加恩 Grace upon grace 約Joh1:16

2. 力上加力 From strength to strength 詩Psa84:7

3. 榮上加榮 From glory to glory 林後2Co3:18

4. 加、加、加……七 Add to,add to,…… 7 add to

二. 家庭提昇 2.0 Family upgrade 2.0

1. 全家歸主 Whole household come to the Lord 徒Act16:31

2. 全家愛主 Whole family love the Lord 約Joh12:2-3

3. 全家事主—同台夫妻檔、上陣父子兵、打虎親兄弟
Whole household serve the Lord, couple sharing the stage, father and son going to battle, brothers defeat the devil

三. 教會提昇 2.0 Church upgrade 2.0

1. 榮耀教會 2.0 Glorious church 2.0 弗Eph3:21

2. 教會合一 2.0 Church unity 2.0 弗Eph4:2

3. 團隊事奉 2.0 Team ministry 2.0 弗Eph4:11-12,16