

一、從失敗中學習 Learning from Failure v. 1-10
1. 不可抄襲 Cannot Copy 撒上1S 6:10-12; 撒下2S 6:1-6
2. 不可習以為常 Cannot Accustom 撒下2S 6:6-10

二、從祝福中渴慕 Longing from His Blessings v.11-12
1. 神同住的祝福 The Blessings of Housing God’s Presence v.11
2. 渴慕得祝福 Longing for Such Blessings v.12

三、在同在中卑微 Lessening in His Presence v.13-23
1. 照神的吩咐 Follow God’s Instruction Exactly v.13; 出Ex 25:14
2. 用謙卑的心 With A Humble Spirit v.14-23
3. 對神有心 After God’s Own Heart 撒下2S 7:1-2
4. 存感恩的心 With A Thankful Heart 撒下2S 7:4-29