
經文:詩篇 Psalms 32

一、赦罪是婚姻之福 v.1-2
Forgiveness Makes a Blessed Marriage

二、脫離不認罪之苦 v.3-7
Release from Pain of Unconfessed Sin

a.閉口不認唉哼枯乾 v.3-4
Keep silent and wasted in pain

b.陳明過犯罪得赦免 v.5
Confess and be Forgiven

c.趕快認罪免除氾濫 v.6-7
Seek God before disaster strikes

三、婚姻靠主歡呼喜樂 v.8-11
Rejoice in the LORD

a.不再無知 v.8-9
Leave ignorance behind

b.慈愛環繞 v.10-11
Compassed with God’s mercy