The Weaknesses of Women
1. 伊甸園的女人 創3:2,6
The Woman of the Garden of Eden
2. 今日的女人 創3:2,6
The Women Today
3. 失去榮耀的婚姻 創3:16-19
The Marriage that has lost its glory
The Recovery of Women
1. 神所設計的女人
The Woman God has designed
a.眾生之母 創3:20
The Mother of many
b.Binah Binah
2. 男人是女人的源頭 Man is the source of women 弗5:22-29
三. “女人”最大的成功
The Greatest Success of Women
1. 溫柔 Gentleness 箴15:1,4
2. 感恩 Thankfulness
3. 喜樂 Joyfulness 詩113:9