
經文: 詩篇Psalms 107

一.讚美耶和華的奇妙慈愛 v.1-32
Praise the Lord for His wonderful kindness
1.稱謝神的慈愛和奇妙 v.1,8,15,21,31
Give thanks for God’s kindness and wonders
2.願神的贖民稱謝神 v.2-3
Let the redeemed say so
2a.祂奇妙引路:脫離漂流 v.4-9
He is the wonderful guide: Let us out of wandering
2b.祂奇妙解困:脫離捆鎖 v.10-16
He is the wonderful deliverer: Chains were broken
2c.祂奇妙醫治:脫離死亡 v.17-22
He is the wonderful healer: Rescued us from the grave
2d.祂奇妙掌權:脫離風浪 v.23-32
He is the wonderful ruler: Stilled the storms and waves

二.神的奇妙慈愛遍及全地萬物 v.33-41
God’s wonderful kindness over all created things
Change the land v.33-34
Give wonderful blessings v.35-38
Raise up also cast down v.39-41

三.在神的奇妙慈愛中嶄新開始 v.42-43
Start anew in God’s wonderful kindness