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Fret, No No No

心懷不平,No No No Fret, No No No 董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 詩Psa 37:1-11 一、倚靠耶和華,還要行善 (詩Psa 37:1-6) 1.Trust in the Lord, and do good 二、安於耶和華,忍耐等候(詩Psa 37:7-11) 2. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently

Return home in the call of the Tree of Life

走在生命樹的呼召中回家去 Return home in the call of the Tree of Life 張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua 弗 Eph 4:1 一、一棵生命樹的呼召 (v.1d; Eph 1-3) The Call of One Tree of Life 1. v1:4 成為聖潔 Become holy 2. v1:11 成為基業 Become an Inheritance 3. v1:23 是祂的身體 Be His Body 二、走在生命樹的呼召中 (v.1c; Eph 4:2-6:20) Walk in the Call of the Tree of Life

Leaving the mount of ego, men hurry home!

1. The younger son: the prodigal son who is on the mount of ego
2. The older son: the orphan son who is on the mount of ego
3. The true son: the son of joy in love and trust

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