1. Receive the ten Commandments
Stone tablets Essence Heartification
2. Love God Love people
3. Become the Tree of Life
律法與先知的總綱就是生命樹 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Tree of Life 何傑牧師 Pastor HK 太Mat 22:34-40 一. 哪一條是最大的誡命 v.34-36 Which is the greatest commandment in the law 二. 愛主你的神和愛人如己 v.37-39 Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself 三. 律法和先知的總綱就是耶穌 v.40 The summary of the Law and the Prophets is Jesus
一. 貪心的人不能進神國
二. 在神國的人不為生活憂慮
三. 放下錢財,全心渴慕神國
1. Treat God as God, Confide in God
2. Remembered by God, integrated and thankful
3. Continue to believe, continue to let go
1. Put your greed to death
2. Thirst and be truly content
生命樹下 教養孩童 代代享福 Teach children under the tree of life, and be blessed from generation to generation 許靜傳道 申Deu 6章 一、殷勤教導孩童 抓緊神的話語 v1-9 Diligently teach children to grasp the word of God 二、培養下一代成為生命樹v10-25 Cultivate the next generation to become the tree of life 1. 常感恩Always grateful 2. 常敬畏Always in awe 3. 常倚靠Always trust 4. 常見證Always testify