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Jesus is risen! I am risen too

耶穌復活了! 我都復活! Jesus is risen! I am risen too Pastor Tommy 約Jhn 11:25 一、耶穌是生命、耶穌已復活 v.25a Jesus is the life, He is risen 二、我信耶穌、我也必復活 v.25b I believe in Jesus, I shall be risen too

Set our hearts on things above

當求上面的事 Set our hearts on things above 董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah 歌羅西書3:1-17 一、當求上面的事(v1-4) Set our hearts on things above (v1-4) 二、脫下舊人(v5-9) Take off the old self (v5-9) 三、穿上新人(v10-17) Put on the new self (v10-17)

To be truly effortless, come out from childhood trauma!

走出幼年傷害,真放鬆! To be truly effortless, come out from childhood trauma! 張妙禪牧師Pastor Anna 歷代志下 2Chronicles 24:1-25 一、生命樹眼光看待一切 (v. 1-16) View everything from the perspective of the Tree of Life 二、莫在幼年傷害中掌權 (v. 17-25) Do not rule while still in the hurts of childhood  

Rejoice greatly in the Lord

《Effortless 2024》The 4th Sermon
Pastor Joash Chow
Pastor Crystal Tsang
Philippians 4:1-13

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