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Be a light for the world to the ends of the earth

直到地極,作世界的光 Be a light for the world to the ends of the earth 講員:潘國成牧師 Pastor Barnabas Poon 日期:2020.04.11 語系:英(English)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:使徒行傳 Acts 13:47-48,26:16-18 一、直到地極,施行救恩 13:47-48 Bring salvation to the ends of the earth 二、歸向光明,同得基業 26:18 Turn to the Light, receive an inheritance together

More Love, More Trust

有愛有信任 More Love, More Trust 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 經文:創世記 Genesis 15:1-6, 22:12-13; 約翰福音 John 3:16 一、慈愛生出信任 (創Gen 12-14) Love births trust 二、至大的愛生出至大的信 (創Gen 15-17,22) The greatest love births the greatest trust


選擇去愛 Choose to Love 講員:何傑牧師, 許靜族長 Pastor Ho Kit, MG Leader Joey 語系:英(English)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:太Mat 25:31-46 一. 面對愛的審問 (v.31-33) Face the Judgment of Love 二. 愛在小子身上 (v.34-40) Love the Least Brothers 三. 要回轉去愛 (v.41-46) Repent, Live a Life of Love

Good and Faithful Kingdom People

良善忠心天國人 Good and Faithful Kingdom People 講員:段樹仁族長 MG Leader Jason Tuan 語系:英(English)、普(Mandarin) 經文:太Mat 25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託 付v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-28 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-28 Wicked servants lose it all 三、要活出天國的法則 v.29-30 Live out Kingdom principles

Purim Celebration Service

自卑 信心 逆轉勝 Humility and faith, turning defeat into victory 一、自卑謙卑 (斯4:10-14) Humble and meek 二、信心決心(斯4:15-17) Determination out of faith 結論、大大得勝(斯9:1-2) Conclusion: Great victory

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