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Put aside fleshly mercy


The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God

第四誡:當守安息日—進入帶領萬有歸於神的節奏 (上) The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God Verse: Exodus 20:8-11 1. 進入神創造的節奏(出20:11​a;創2:1-2) Enter into God’s rhythm of creation 2. 分別安息日獻給神(出20:8;創2:1-2;出23:12​) Set apart the Sabbath day for God

Return to the path of submission

回到順服之路 Return to the path of submission   講員:譚淑儀牧師 Pastor Debby Tam 日期:2021.01.16 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:約書亞記 Joshua 7   一、不要走不信的路 (1-5) Do not take the path of unfaithfulness 貪心之路,惹神發怒 (1) The path of covetousness, God is angry 人意之路,不蒙喜悅(2-5) The path of man’s will, God is displeased   二、不要落在咒詛中 (6-15) Do not fall into curse   三、面對問題,重回順服 (16-26) Facing trouble, return to submission 找出問題(16-21) Identify the trouble 解決問題(22-26) Settle the trouble

Submit and triumph

《順服得勝》 Submit and triumph 書Jos 6   一、相信神v1-v7 Believe in God   二、順服得勝v8-v21 Submit and triumph   三、順服得福v22-v27 Submit and be blessed

Victory 2021

得勝2021 Victory 2021   講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2021.01.02 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 21   歡慶得勝 (v.1-6) Rejoice in victory   繼續信靠 (v.7) Continue to trust   完全得勝 (v.8-13) Total victory   a.有神同在 滅盡仇敵 (v.8-12) In God’s presence, all enemies will be completely destroyed   b.有神大能我們歌唱 (v.13) In God’s strength , we will sing and praise

Looking back 2020

回看2020 Looking back 2020   講員:董帖心牧師 Pastor Deborah Tung 日期:2020.12.26 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 20   一、看見艱難 看見神掌權(v1-5) Seeing hardship, seeing God reigns   二、艱難未停 禱告不止息(v6-9) Hardship has not ended, prayer never ceases

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